Oct 4, 2011

Social Unrest: Is Anti-Wall Street the beginning?

In regards to the Wall Street protests and awareness for them, the fact that the media is just beginning coverage and claiming it has any relevance to the vast amount of disparagement we can attribute to the federal government's fraudulent policies should be enough to make you ask the question:
Is there any real progress being made on the part of the federal government to assuage the populations grievances towards them? The centralized government in large part controls our media, which has been extremely hesitant to report on the massive protests occurring all over the country. As the term "cover-up" may be pushing it as a label for their actions, the corruption of the federal government is apparent in the omission of events such as this that are affecting the entire country. Yes, we have all experienced in the past few years a significant shift in our prosperity. But has it been enough of a shift to make people want to take action in order to evoke change? The lack of awareness (which we can blame on the media, and in turn the federal government) is why an answer to the previous question is not possible right now. We cannot effectively create a movement powerful enough without sufficient knowledge.

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