Sep 20, 2011

When the "melting pot" is boiling, it needs to be stirred.

Could world social unrest come to America's streets? 

  "Americans are demoralised and discouraged from taking collective action"

Our youth have no jobs, our country no money, and the highest amount of people in our countries history are living in poverty
It is time we adjust modern day government to the 21st century, integrate technology to create a pure democracy, one that is not filled with representatives,career politicians and damn lobbyists. Pure democracy was impossible at the time of our forefathers, taking every vote from every city hall to every state and counting them by candlelight; far to difficult and would take time. Compare that to how it would go down today: the national and state governments have ssl(encrypted)election servers, you wake up, pull up the smartphone app or a state provided device, then vote on propositions in seconds. Eliminate wasteful spending, perhaps even decide how your tax dollars are spent by allocating them to federal and state programs you support. We should not have to wait 12 months to let our voice be heard,we are the youth of the technological generation,we do not live in the 1700's anymore, it is time we introduce innovation, to the Man.

-Eager to hear comments below.


  1. Grandiose idea and everything but, what about the people who have no idea or care about politics? This widens the gap between those in the "know" and those who could care less making it easier for large scale manipulations of elections. Think lobbyists powers is bad now; wait till they can send you a poll over your cell every two hours, asking for whatever will benefit their constituents. This would give even more power to lobbyists in turn polarizing our government even more. If people want change they should become active in politics and educate themselves on all issues transcending all political parties and realize our founding fathers set up our government the way it is for a reason. It works!!!

  2. Those people who do not care for politics already choose to not vote on polling day, thus your first argument is disproved about "large scale manipulations". Your thoughts about the effect this would have on lobbyists are unclear. You make a claim that our founding fathers made it "the way it is for a reason. It works!!!", you are failing to defend your claim against my entire article, if it works, then surely you have not looked at the approval ratings of our politicians both in office, house, senate, and congress. Along with that tiny problem called debt. Thanks for commenting!


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