Sep 21, 2011

Why America needs to prioritize

      America's failed education
"Half of U.S. adults can name all three branches of government"

     America has been living like a body builder on steroids, stimulating the economy for decades on end with vast militarization and now I begin to realize that in the 21st century a countries power is not determined by the size of military, but by the type of people your country has created. What would the status of our country be if we had flowed 700 billion dollars towards education every year instead of our military? Perhaps you had high school children taking more than just 4 months of American Government to increase nationalism, more teachers for every classroom to raise high school graduation rates, and the amazing ability to aid your youth in college tuition. Well it will all be fine, because instead we developed an enormous military that is absolutely helpless to us in a time of economic turmoil. Instead of a teenage girl receiving student aid so she can go to college, we are killing people in a country that lacks basic infrastructure.


  1. Bennett, this is very true about the 700 billion dollars, but what you must also realize is that the 700 billion dollars that we spend goes back to our economy by supplying jobs to people who make the war supplies, and are being paid to tour. Some of that money also goes to soldiers for their schooling as well and are receiving what is equivalent to or just short of full ride scholarships. Sure I do not support pouring 700 billion dollars into the military system, but it trickles down into jobs for those who are still on our soil. This money equals many men and women's paychecks.

    What we really need is the politicians to cut back on their paychecks, an switch back to Reaganomics and cut back on the influence on the private sector of our economy.

  2. Are you aware America has been sending manufacturing production to foreign countries since the 1970's? Therefore a large chunk of the money you claim "goes back to our economy by supplying jobs" is in large part untrue. It should be clear that I am not implying we cut 700 to 10 in one year, you would slowly draw from the defense budget and reallocate it towards other systems in our government (education, infrastructure, renewable energy, etc.). Reaganomics stressed lower taxes and higher defense spending. Lower taxes is not something we need, compare ourselves to other 1st world countries and you will see that we already have significantly lower taxation rates. Defense spending toyed with us, after a war an economy is often stimulated, we have kept ourselves at war and foreign conflict the last 70 years to keep this post-war stimulus a factor of our economy. Not advisable.


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